Vulnerability..... “You Say” ?

It's of a Brené Brown, Lauren Daigle kind of a day.
Welcome to "A Journey of Prayer" and to my first Blog (ever).
Enjoy Lauren Daigle's song "You Say" and Brené Brown's Ted talk links on Vulnerability at the bottom of the page.
I am excited to share my journey with you however there is one thing.... to do this I’m going to have to make myself pretty transparent and vulnerable, and this is not my favourite thing to do.
I’m normally a very private person so revealing my fears, my pain, and my past is like being naked on stage.
My passion for Jesus Christ is similar to being in love, you want to keep it intimate, safe and sacred. That soft gentle voice I’ve been hearing for decades however has been telling me to share my passion and invite others to do the same.
I am proud of who I am, who I’ve become, and what I have accomplished to get here, yet I still fear being judged. I am a work in progress, but every day I get closer to accepting and embracing the good, the bad, and the not so pretty.
It’s taken me decades to heal some of that pain, but writing two books, one published, “A Journey of Prayer, Finding Heaven” and one not (but will be soon) “ The Agony and Ecstasy, a Mother’s Prayers" has helped me heal my past. My studies to become a Healing Touch Practitioner and doing the work has also been life changing both for myself and the people I have worked on.
I wrote these books while trying to heal some of my darkest days. The irony is that I never wanted anyone to read them because they would discover a past I felt ashamed of, an abusive husband, and why I allowed myself to marry him. (more on that another time).
Today I have decided to send off that fear with love and compassion, and proud of my many accomplishments. I feel gratitude for my two incredible sons who have become beautiful young men, a loving and supportive family, and my dear friends.
Prayer and my faith is what heals me, so this site is dedicated to God, Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour, I love You with all my heart.
With love,
Lauren Daigle, "You Say" copy and paste
Brené Brown on Vulnerability.